Monday, September 17, 2007

Home from California

My human went to California for 8 days! Can you believe she left me alone like that? Doesn't she know that cats are people, too? I was very upset with her when she got home. To show my displeasure I was in her face all evening and all night, too! I made it difficult for her to breathe! Yea me! She did seem to have a good time. She visited a baby human and said something about the great time she had doing the waves...? I thought the wave was old news by now. Here are a couple of pictures she took while she was away. I hope I taught her a lesson and she won't do this again for awhile!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

A wedding in the family

My human went to a wedding last weekend. I thought she was never going to get home. She was quite giddy...I think someone gave her some catnip and she didn't share! She swears she only had 2 glasses of wine but you could've fooled me. She actually thought it was fun chasing me around the apartment! Silly girl! This picture is of her nephew Chris and his new wife Jackie. In case you can't figure it out my human is the one in the middle!